Our Experience

What makes Juan Pyfrom uniquely qualified to assist you?

I am a U.S. Army Colonel (Retired) with more than 35 years of military service, a member of the Florida Bar, a Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator, Georgia Supreme Court Certified Civil Mediator, the Department of Defense General Counsel Certified Mediator and a proud graduate of Florida A&M University. I served as a Combat Engineer company commander during operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm and served as a Senior Military Legal Advisor during 4 additional deployments in support of Operations Iraqi Freedom and New Dawn.

During the first generation of Operation Iraqi Freedom, I was responsible for negotiating with Iraqi civilian stakeholders in an effort to reestablish the criminal and civil court systems in the immediate aftermath of the Iraqi government’s collapse. I mediated conflicts between bitter enemies and found solutions that worked and helped pave the way to a functioning court system by the end of my deployment. I know how to cut through the chaos and help people find mutually agreed upon solutions.

Our Approach

Neutral Corners Mediation was established in 2018 and we are committed to doing things differently and helping couples remain cordial through and beyond the divorce process. We are a one stop shop for Pro-Se (Self-Help) divorce assistance.

  • Schedule the Mediation
  • Reach a Settlement Agreement and Reduce the term to writing.
  • Option A – Neutral Corners Mediation will provide assistance in drafting the documents required by the court (Marital Settlement Agreement, Parenting Plan, Child Support Worksheet, etc.) and you submit the completed packet to the court.
  • Option B – Couple signs a preliminary draft settlement agreement and takes preliminary agreement to their respective attorneys for completion and submission to the court.

I provided prompt and effective services to military members, DoD Civilian Employees and their families for more than 20 years. I bring that experience and expertise to the West Palm Beach and South Florida communities. I have gained invaluable experience after providing support and services to soldiers and families during the past 18 years of military conflict. I understand the emotional impact that family conflict can have on parents and children navigating the challenges of family separation, reintegration and divorce. Our goal is to help families to “find peace in the midst of chaos.”

Juan is a Florida Supreme Court Certified Mediator for family and Circuit Civil disputes. Additionally, he is certified by the Georgia Supreme Court and the Department of Defense General Counsel as a Civil Mediator.

At Neutral Corners Mediation, you can expect to:

  • Address and settle all issues in 2-4 hours
  • Save time and money
  • Reduce stress
  • An environment where an amicable settlement is possible.

The cost of a complete divorce by mediation is usually less than the retainer for one attorney. Any two people interested in decreasing the time, money, and emotional energy spent in getting divorced will benefit from divorce mediation.

Professional Services

  • Attorney
  • Mediator
  • Counselor
  • Mediator-Arbitrator
  • Mediation Consultant